Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cholera's grasp on Zimbabwe's people

Today, Doctors Without Borders issued a press release telling just how bad conditions are becoming. The organization estimates it has helped treat 45,000 people with Cholera, but this figure is only 75% of the number of the infected.

Photo Credit: Doctors Without Borders

Manuel Lopez, head of the Doctors Without Borders mission in Zimbabwe, said this about the situation of health care:
There has been a devastating implosion of Zimbabwe's once-lauded health system, which doesn't just affect cholera patients. We know that public hospitals are turning people away, health centers are running out of supplies and equipment, there is an acute lack of medical staff, patients can't afford to travel to pick up their HIV medication or to receive treatment, and many of our own clinics are overflowing. From what we see each day it couldn't be clearer - this is a massive medical emergency spiraling out of control.

The organization is calling upon the governement to help as well as "ease bureaucratic restrictions" in order to get help to those who need it in a more timely fashion.

For the full report, go to Doctors Without Borders


  1. Do you think doctors are fighting in a losing battle? Do you think that change is being made or that doctors without borders efforts could be better focused elsewhere?
